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Level covers PPE for dentists nationwide

As governments are putting together plans and strategies for reopening communities in the safest way possible, dental practices are following guidance and doing the same. New safety protocols are being put in place to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmissions, and many rely heavily on an increased use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

As demand for PPE skyrockets and inventory remains scarce, a report by The Society for Healthcare Organization Procurement Professionals found that the cost of basic items have seen steep increases over the past several months. For instance, the report found that the price of gloves have gone up by 300% and face shields by an astounding 900%.

PPE reimbursed up to $12 per visit mid 2021

We are proud to share that Level is following the American Dental Association (ADA) recommendation to accommodate the rising cost of protective supplies in how we compensate dentists. Providers will be reimbursed for up to $12 of PPE per office visit when it is reported using code D1999. This includes items like masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, head and foot coverings, or any additional disinfectants and cleaning supplies that may be necessary.

At the start of the pandemic, dental practices were among the businesses called on to donate existing PPE inventory to hospitals. Practices across every state pulled together to redirect PPE to areas that needed them most, resulting in shortages nationwide. By reimbursing providers for PPE in all fifty states, we hope to play a small part in developing a viable and safe path forward for practices everywhere.

We realize that the impacts of COVID-19 on PPE supply are not going to be short-lived and a few weeks or months is not enough, which is why our update will be in effect for through March 2021. At that time, we’ll evaluate the situation and update our policy to reflect the current environment.

Join the Level nationwide network

For practices that aren’t familiar, Level is a nationwide dental plan offering self-funded insurance to companies nationally. Providers in our network benefit from a competitive fee schedule, intuitive tools for managing patients and claims, and fast reimbursements typically paid within a few days.

Find out more or join our network by emailing